The truth about me photographing your wedding is that, while I'm there with you, some part of me is thinking about my wedding. I remember being that nervous bride, fussing over my curls and admiring my perfect shoes and imagining the most wonderful life that Michael and I are going to have. And while I'm framing up your wedding shot by shot, I know that you're thinking these same thoughts. And sometimes, oh heck, all the time, EVERY Wedding....while I know you're thinking the things that I'm thinking...I tear up. Yep, I cry at every wedding. Eyes welled up ready to burst at least once at every wedding.

I used to think that it was sooooooo unprofessional that I'm welled up like your grandmother as you come down the ailse...but now, that I've found the most perfect water-proof mascara, I think that is just one of the genuine things about me, about us at Ellenburg Photography. Michael and I are truly happy for you on this day. We know love because we're completely in love - the full gooey, doe-eyed sometimes messy, but always exciting, the good with the bad forever kind of love.. and that makes us a great team at your wedding. Know this, behind those welled up eyes, I'm taking some of the most breath taking photographs that you could ever imagine of you and your beautiful wedding day.

Amanda and Justin, it was an honor to cry at your wedding. It was a beautiful day in Mobile, Alabama. A day filled with the laughter and love that make happily ever after so wonderful. Congratulations! And Bradley family, thank you so much for asking me to be a part of your planning. All your kind words truly made me blush this week. I can't thank you enough.
To enjoy a few more of this great day...check out our slide show below. You'll love it! And we're happy to be offer this new feature to our amazing clients.
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Make today a fantastic day!