Double Exposure. Huh? When I read this month's Camera South theme, I could only think about 2 things:
1. I haven't shot with film since 1995.
2. I haven't double exposed anything since easily 1988.
How am I going to participate this month? So, I did what any good curious internet user does...I googled it. And as it turns out there is a whole community dedicated to creating double exposure "ART" digitally with the magic of photoshop. So...I read a little and came up with this winning creation that took 3rd place at Camera South's Monthly Meeting Competition.

The how to on this shot is not as hard as you'd think. I started with these two shots of New Orleans - shot at the same time of day on a great overcast day this past December. (These are straight out of the Camera)

First, I processed them both exactly the same - with Nik's Color Efex 4.0 - I ran them through a black and white solarization.

For the Magic - I opened both photographs in photoshop. (I'll bet this is where you'd like to see some screen shots, sorry...better planning perhaps for the the next how to, but ask questions if you've got 'em) I created a duplicate layer of the first shot. {Just drag your image into the icon that looks like a folder in your layer panel} Then I drug the second image into the first creating an additional layer. {You can also use the place feature & create your layer that way} Then's all about angle and opacity. I prefer either closer to 40 or 60 for a really nice "fade in" kind of look. You also have to remember that both photos have to completely overlap or you will be able to see the enlarge and move things around & have fun. This is a fun way to find some new things do do with all those images you've been hording forever.

Camera South friends, thanks for voting for my photo this week. These monthly meetings and photo challenges are a lot of fun. Big Thanks!
Double exposure - give it a shot! And when you love what you've created, I'd love to see it - post it on the Ellenburg Photography Facebook Page & share it with us!
Daphne Ellenburg is a budding photography business owner in Southern Alabama with a supportive family and a new fancy-pants in home studio. She loves college football, big handbags, lip gloss and all things Olympus. Daphne also enjoys writing about her Photo-Adventures and her entertaining family. Catch up with her at Ellenburg Photography {Website} {Facebook} {EP Blog}{Daphne's Blog}{Join EP Project 52}
Ellenburg Photography's award winning photographer, Daphne Ellenburg, specializes in Wedding Photography and Family Portraiture. We are located just north of Mobile Alabama. We proudly serve all of Alabama, and Gulfcoast Florida, Mississippi and Louisiana. (251) 656-7601